

Address : Department of Architecture Sebelas Maret University

Jl. Ir. Sutami 36A Surakarta Indonesia 57126.

Home Phone Number : – Mobile phone: 62-81578702440

Work Phone Number : 62-271-643666

Email : ofita92@yahoo.com

Date of Birth : November 5th 1974

Sex : Female

Marital Status : Married

Nationality : Indonesian

Tertiary Education

1. Sepuluh November Institute of Technology from 09/1998 to 09/2001

Master of Engineering in the field of Design and Architectural Criticism

(Development of Undergraduate Education Scholarship)

2. Gadjah Mada University from 09/1992 to 02/ 1998

Bachelor in Architectural Engineering

Employment History

Lecturer and researcher in Department of Architecture

Faculty of Engineering

Sebelas Maret University Surakarta, Indonesia

March 1st 2000-…

Secretary of the Laboratory of History and Theory of Architecture,

Department of Architecture, Sebelas Maret University

2008 – ….

Teaching Subjects

Architectural Design Studio 3, History of Architecture, Architectural Criticism.


Computer: Office, CorelDraw, Photoshop, software and hardware installation, internet.

Languages: Javanese(native), Indonesian(native), English (ITP-TOEFL score: 600), Dutch (elementary).

Research Interests

Architectural theory and history, cross-cultural architecture, identity, hybridity, postcolonialism.

Academic Projects

1. Poster presentation in International Conference World Heritage Cities, October 25th -28th 2008.

2. The Adaptation of European Elements on the Ornaments of Karaton Yogyakarta – paper in the Seminar of Arsitektur Nusantara, ITS Surabaya, September 12th 2008.

3. Kraton Surakarta; Javanese with European Clothing –Indonesia Design, January 2007.

4. Identification on the Strategy of Creating Architectural Ornaments in Kraton Jogjakarta –Gema Teknik journal 2005.

5. Comparative Study on Architectural Ornaments in Kraton Jogjakarta and Kraton Surakarta – research project 2005.

6. The Use of Golden Proportion in Regol Danapratapa Kraton Jogjakarta – journal paper 2005.

7. Spatial Changes in Kraton Jogjakarta due to Tourism – Journal paper 2005

8. The Strategy of Creating Architectural Ornaments in Kraton Jogjakarta – research project 2004.

9. Development of Aesthetics in Architecture – journal paper 2002.

10. The Relation of The Use of European Architectural Elements and Spatial Hierarchy in Kraton Yogyakarta – paper presented in Simposium Jelajah Arsitektur Nusantara 2002.

11. Identification of European Architectural Forms and Ornaments in Kraton Yogyakarta – research project 2002.

12. Elements of Javanese Traditional Kampong in Kampong Kemlayan, Surakarta – research project 2002.

13. Identification of European Architectural Elements in Kraton Yogyakarta – Master thesis 2001.


Development for Undergraduate Studies Scholarship 1998-2001

Awards from Ministry of Transportation of Indonesia for the Paper Writing Contest 1995.


Music, poetry making, swimming.